About Us

Company Profile

Company Profile


1. To provide leading products that satisfy by all of customers.
2. Manage with spirits of Trust,Oriented and Challenge
3. Achive the Social Responsibility

Envioroment Policy

To be friendly to social and to be coexistent with nature.

Goals and Slogan

Glocal- Global+Local,
From Nakatsugawa to the World, From the world to Nakatsugawa
Aims of the Global field of views as GLOCAL company.

Capital ¥ 98 million (as of February, 2014)
Date Established '1954/6/1
Head office Address 1666-3437 Komanba, Nakatsugawa city, Gifu prefecture, Japan
Telephone: '+81-573-66-2808  FAX: '+81-573-66-2809
Representative TAIICHIRO MIO
Certifications ISO9001, ISO14001
Main OEM products Refrigeranted Insulated Copper Tubes.
Polyethylene Insulation Pipe for Hot/Cold Water supply
Polyethylene Foams
Urethane Products Processing
Storage Battery Assembly(ASSY)
Produce for the Oversea markets